Grant Ready, Know Your Plan, Pillar 1: Infrastructure, Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 4: Create your Signature Program on paper with a budget, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
You got into nonprofit work to not just do something about a problem but to solve it. Programs are how you do something about a problem and they serve as your proof of concept. Developing a program is crucial to your organization’s prosperity. Programs allow you...
Know Your Plan, Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
A Fundraising Plan is a roadmap to get from where you are now to where you want to be this time next year. There are a lot of fundraising plans out there but they are all cumbersome for a small nonprofit. These plans require a lot of work, are complicated and, really,...
Know Your Plan, Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
If you’ve read my book I HAVE MY 501(C)3! NOW WHAT?!? Your Blueprint to Starting Your Nonprofit Without Being the Sole Funder you know that the entire plan costs $881.40. I get asked often how to pay for the plan. Board members are the source of funds. But what if you...
Know Your Plan, Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
Many nonprofit Founders find fundraising confusing, hard, and quite honestly there is so much else to do that fundraising takes a backseat until it can’t be ignored. When they finally get serious about fundraising they find they have fallen into a fundraising...
Know Your Plan, Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
Fundraising is hard. It’s even harder when you hold onto beliefs that don’t serve you. I know. I’ve been there. I’ve had beliefs about donors and asking for donations that held me back from raising money. The thing is- our beliefs...