Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
From the outside looking in, it can seem like nonprofits have it all. They are making a huge difference in the world, have a fantastic mission, and often receive donations and assistance to support their endeavors — but for many nonprofits, it’s a struggle to...
Know Your Strategy, Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
I was a Board member of a new nonprofit when the concept of an Introduction Appeal Letter came to me. Getting donations was something that was now on our list of challenges. I had been in a larger nonprofit where we sent out appeal letters. My letters normally...
Grant Ready, Grants, Know Your Strategy, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
I was in a few nonprofit founder groups recently where the question was, “I just got my tax exempt status! Where do I find the grants?” Or someone told them they would qualify for grants and so they have tunnel vision and will listen to no other solution to their...
Know Your Plan, Pillar 3: Fundraising Basics, Step 8: Learn fundraising basics
Many nonprofit Founders find fundraising confusing, hard, and quite honestly there is so much else to do that fundraising takes a backseat until it can’t be ignored. When they finally get serious about fundraising they find they have fallen into a fundraising...